

useRouter is a hook that can be used to manipulate with router

useRouter return's following object

interface Router {
	pathname: string
	push: (pathname: string) => void
	replace: (pathname: string) => void
	refresh: () => void
	back: () => void
	forward: () => void
  • router.pathname: Current URL's pathname
  • router.push(pathname: string): Pushes new state to browser history API
  • router.replace(pathname: string): Replaces browser history state with new one
  • router.refresh(): Refresh the current route.
  • router.back(): Navigate back to the previous route in the browser’s history stack.
  • router.forward(): Navigate forward to the next route in the browser’s history stack.


import { useRouter } from "another-react-router"
import { Breadcrumbs } from "@/components/ui/breadcrumbs"
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
function Navigation() {
	const router = useRouter()
	return (
		<nav className="navigation">
			<Breadcrumbs pathname={router.pathname} />
			<Button onClick={() => router.push("/home")}>Home</Button>
			<Button onClick={() => router.push("/about")}>About</Button>
			<Button onClick={() => router.push("/contact")}>Contact</Button>
			<Button onClick={() => router.back()}>Back</Button>
			<Button onClick={() => router.forward()}>Forward</Button>
			<Button onClick={() => router.refresh()}>Refresh</Button>