

Use the CLI to make another-react-router work

Basic info

CLI is called arr so its not that long and for now has only 1 command

Usage: arr [options] [command]
cli that helps configuring your router with another-react-router npm package
  -v, --version   display the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command
  init [options]
  help [command]  display help for command


This is the main command that you will be executing many times

It loops trought your directory with routes and create's another-react-router.config.ts with routes and exc.


Usage: arr init [options]
  -w, --watch            check if routes path should be watching for file changes, and regenerate config if it is.
                         (default: false)
  -ts, --ts              check if config file output will be written with typescript rules. (default: true)
  -e, --esm              check if config file output will be written with esm rules. (default: false)
  -r, --routes [routes]  the path to your routes. (default: "./src/routes/")
  -c, --config [config]  the path where another-react-router.config.(ts/js) file will be initialized. (default: "./")
  -cw, --cwd <cwd>       the working directory. defaults to the current directory. (default:
  -h, --help             display help for command


Watching for file changes in parallel

If you want to watch for file changes in your routes directory, you can use the -w flag on init command. But what if you want to watch in parallel with your bundler do it's work?

You can update your scripts in package.json (replace vite for your bundler that will work in watch mode)

	// ... other options ...
	"scripts": {
		// ... other scripts ...
		"dev": "sh -c 'vite & bun arr init --watch'"